From the 24th November I will be offering facial enhancement/cosmetic acupuncture having completed the Paul Adkins Facial Acupuncture Course.
Cosmetic acupuncture is really just an extension of medical acupuncture. Why risk letting a person with little training inject your face with the most poisonous toxin known to man when you can heal yourself for a 1/4 of the price with treatments administered by a clinically trained degree qualified professional acupuncturist !!!?? Bookings at my 2 clinics via the website
Cosmetic acupuncture is really just an extension of medical acupuncture. Why risk letting a person with little training inject your face with the most poisonous toxin known to man when you can heal yourself for a 1/4 of the price with treatments administered by a clinically trained degree qualified professional acupuncturist !!!?? Bookings at my 2 clinics via the website