The insertion of fine needles at specific points, normally painless to effect the bodies energies. I am trained both in Chinese Medicine but also in Western anatomy and physiology. I have also studied Western Medical Acupuncture.
Tui Na Massage
Massage using the acupuncture points. I would normally use this as an adjunct to an acupuncture treatment. Tui na is very effective for many conditions.
The application of static or sliding suction cups to the skin, a kind of intensive massage with a cup ! Very very effective for a range of conditions particularly back aches. People often request cups as a stand alone treatment.
Be aware this may leave circular marks on your back for a few days.
Heat Lamp/Moxibustion
The application of a heat via a Chinese TDP thermo "magic" lamp or by burning of a small piece of mugwort compressed into a stick or pellet at specific points - safe and very effective.
Cosmetic Facial Enhancement Acupuncture
I have completed a post graduate course in Facial Enhancement Acupuncture with Paul Adkins. This is an extension of Chinese Medicine and the overall aim is to improve your facial lines but also using the holistic approach you will feel better in your overall health. See next page down for detailed information.
Plantar Fasciitis Specialist
Whilst at University I researched, studied and wrote a paper on this most stubborn and painful disease. Having suffered from it in both feet I am in a great position to both empathise and treat this debilitating condition. The success rate is very high and normally electro acupuncture (needles plus tens type machine) combined with stretches and exercise will see a vast improvement over a course of 6 treatments.